menu_items: 40
Data license: MIT · Data source: Starbucks Singapore · About: Made by
This data as json
id | store_id | item_id | item_code | name | description | photo_urls | is_mobile_order_pay | is_delivery | is_inventoried | is_featured | is_scheduled | is_dine_in |
40 | 7 | 87 | Espresso Frappuccino® | Frappuccino® roast coffee combined with a shot of our signature Espresso Roast and milk, blended with ice to give you a nice little jolt and lots of sipping joy. | [" 1080 espresso coffee frap.jpg"] | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
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- 2 rows from item_id in item_prices